Maria Montessori believed that children are natural learners, with an innate curiosity and desire to explore and discover the world around them. Here are some key ideas to explore in a blog post on how children are natural learners according to Montessori:

A Montessori environment is a carefully prepared physical space that is designed to meet the developmental needs and interests of children. It is a place where children are free to explore and learn at their own pace, within a safe and supportive atmosphere
  1. The absorbent mind:

Montessori believed that children have an absorbent mind, which allows them to effortlessly absorb knowledge and information from their environment. Children are naturally curious and eager to explore the world around them, and they learn best through hands-on exploration and discovery.

2. The importance of play:

Montessori believed that play is the work of the child. Children learn best through playful exploration and discovery, and they are naturally drawn to activities that engage their senses and challenge their developing skills.

3. The Role Of Environment:

Montessori recognized the importance of the environment in supporting children’s natural learning. A carefully prepared environment that is designed to meet the developmental needs and interests of children can help to support their natural curiosity and love of learning.

4. The power of choice:

Montessori education emphasizes the importance of giving children choice and autonomy in their learning. By allowing children to choose their own activities within a carefully prepared environment, they can develop independence, self-motivation, and a lifelong love of learning.

5. The importance of following the child:

Montessori believed that the teacher’s role is to follow the child, and to provide guidance and support as the child explores and discovers the world around them. By observing the child’s interests and needs, the teacher can provide materials and activities that support their natural learning and development.

Overall, Montessori education is based on the belief that children are natural learners, with an innate curiosity and desire to explore and discover the world around them. By creating a supportive environment that encourages exploration, discovery, and choice, Montessori education helps children develop independence, self-motivation, and a lifelong love of learning.