

key concepts



How are children natural learner?

How are children natural learner?

Maria Montessori believed that children are natural learners, with an innate curiosity and desire to explore and discover the world around them. Here are some key ideas to explore in a blog post on how children are natural learners according to Montessori: The...

what goes on in a Montessori environment?

what goes on in a Montessori environment?

here are some examples of real-world applications in Montessori education: Practical life skills: Montessori education places a strong emphasis on practical life skills, such as cooking, cleaning, and caring for the environment. These skills have real-world...

autonomy and collaboration

autonomy and collaboration

The Montessori approach to education emphasizes both autonomy and collaboration as key components of the learning process. Here are some key concepts that define the Montessori approach to autonomy and collaboration: Autonomy: Montessori education emphasizes the...